Thursday, October 14, 2004

Your chapter website sucks

When there was great encouragement for chapters to have a presence on the web, there was a policy statement concerning general content and organization for acceptability. The website had to be reviewed by “someone” before you could display the Sig Ep Network logo and have a link placed on the National website. It seems policy and standards have once again “fallen by the wayside.” On the page where you find the chapter listing and the website links, we now find the following disclaimer: “Sigma Phi Epsilon does not endorse or monitor individual chapter's websites for content. The ability to access individual chapter websites through Sigma Phi Epsilon's National Fraternity website is NOT an adoption by Sigma Phi Epsilon National Fraternity of any individual chapter's acts inconsistent with the policies of Sigma Phi Epsilon”.

Our technical staff has started going through the plethora of chapter websites in the national chapter listings. While all the data is not in and tabulated, so far at more than 30% of them are dead links. Of the functional links, about 77% of them have not been updated since January (and this includes those that have not been updated in over 2 years or just have an intro page with most everything else under construction, renovation, or demolition). Quite a few of these websites have photos that display unacceptable (FRAT BOY) content (according to the no longer extisting webpage standards previously set by our technology committee).

Get with it. Your website is only as good as the most recent update. Remember, today’s news is tomorrow’s history. You are using this as a communication tool for your members, for recruitment, and for public relations. The timeliness, esthetics, information content, and ease of navigation is a direct reflection of the quality of your chapter. How are you perceived to the cyberpublic? To be honest, some of the chapter websites out there SUCK so bad they create a pixel void in my LCD computer screen. What good is a glitzy “flash” intro with flying letters, crests, etc., if there is no content? Oooooops. I’m sorry; you were just imitating the standard HQ staff "dog and pony model." Lots of hype coupled with no action or results. Guess the concept of “truth in advertising” is really an oxymoron.

"If we lick the lollipop of mediocrity we will suck forever."

I am Il Doge and I approved this message.

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