Attention all Undergrads. Here is a way to overcome the rediculously high registration fee for the 2005 Grand Chapter Conclave which will be held in Nashville, TN, August 10-14, 2005.
The NUTS! McAuliffe Society of Sigma Phi Epsilon, which is made up of Alumni Volunteers, is sponsoring two Scholarships for Undergraduates to attend the 49th Grand Chapter Conclave in Nashville, Tennessee August 10-14, 2005. The Scholarships will only cover the cost of the Undergraduate Registration Fee. To participate, you have to still be an undergraduate in good standing by August 10, 2005. In order for you to compete for the scholarship, you have to submit an essay of no more than 1000 words in Microsoft Word. In this Essay, you need to explain how you, as a Summer Intern, would assist the Conclave Director in getting more Alumni, involved and to participate with SigEp/Conclave. If such a program is to be part of Conclave, how would you commit to a plan, content, etc.? What resources are needed to establish how we will ensure that there are alumni there to participate in a program? Examples are: 1. How to manage a career and be a great husband / dad? 2. Financial Management-How to put together a financial plan for now and into the future (including what are the benefits/drawbacks of different financial tools, such as 503b, 501c, 401k, etc.)? 3. What are the key things to consider when starting a business? Email the essay in Microsoft Word to Name the document: "firstname.lastname.state.chapter.doc" (i.e.john.doe.california.chi.doc).
The deadline for the essay is March 25, 2005 no exception. The two winners will be announced shortly thereafter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Columbus Johnson at 310-996-3318.
Remember, the registration fee ain't peanuts, so here's your chance to save a few bucks and attend Conclave.