Now that Conclave is near the proposed legislation is beginning to leak out. Chapter delgates will be so inundated by resolutions and committees and programs they will be lucky to have 15 minutes to study all the proposals let alone understand the implications. Well, we would like to help you get a head start. Try this one on...
Hidden in a dull and tedious housekeeping resolution that purports to fix typos and bring things up to date in Article III (Government National Board of Directors) is this tidbit. Note the current and proposed versions (There will be a test - Next week - In Nashville)
Bylaws 2003 (current):
Section 45. The Executive Officer(s) of the Fraternity shall have the powers and perform such duties as prescribed by the National Board of Directors for the operation of the Headquarters and the business of the Fraternity.
Bylaws 2005 (proposed):
4547. Following the Grand Chapter Conclave, the Board of Directors shall designate an Executive Committee of the Board of Directors that shall be comprised of the Grand President, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and the most senior member of the National Board of Directors.The Grand President shall preside over any meeting of the Executive Committee. In the absence of the Grand President, the Grand Treasurer or his designee shall preside over any meeting of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall deal with issues related to personnel and compensation and shall have any other powers and authorities invested in the Board of Directors by law or by these Bylaws when the Board of Directors is not in session. The Executive Committee shall report at the next regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors all action which it has taken since the preceding meeting of the Board of Directors. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called at any time by the Grand President or at the request of at least two (2) members of the Executive Committee.
It seems to imply the position of Executive Director (i.e. Craig Templeton) is going away. Now, we doubt that is going to happen. However, the "revision" is so very different from the original that to call it a "housekeeping" change and to stick in with a dozen or more other changes that are mostly wording clarifications seems, well, er, less than straightforward.
The new provision will create a "Star Chamber" of directors that are responsible for running the fraternity. In essence the "most senior member" of the NBD gets put into a de facto "Grand President-elect" position, virtually assuring the transitions will be well ordered and without surprises - or effective selection by the Grand Chapter delegates. If it is the will of the Grand Chapter that this be set up, so be it. Just don't shine us on by hiding things and hoping no one notices.
Lets hope the bylaws committee that reviews this resolution sees fit to pull this provision and have it stand or fall alone on its own merits. This is too significant not to be its own separate resolution.