Thursday, October 13, 2005

Sound body tip - Exercise can trim deep abdominal fat

No, I am not turning this into an exercise blog. However I do think it is important to note how much effect a simple step can have on general health.

[A] study of overweight, sedentary adults found that those who started working out on treadmills and stationary bikes tended to lose, or at least not add to, their stores of visceral fat -- fat that accumulates around the abdominal organs.
While this deep abdominal fat may not make itself apparent in the form of a spare tire, it is linked to a number of ill health effects, including a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease.

The new findings show that even moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, may put the brakes on visceral fat accumulation, according to Dr. Cris Slentz, an exercise physiologist at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, and the lead author of the study.

What's more, study participants who got the most exercise -- the equivalent of jogging 20 miles per week -- shed both visceral fat and the superficial layers of abdominal fat that make for love handles.

My own pursuit of a sound body started about 4 months ago. I have written a bit about it here in my other blog. There is a link to another exercise article there too.

Those of you who were at the 5k run during Conclave may remember hearing Rod Raymond talk about the "Sig Ep Striders" program. While it is not in full swing yet, the program to encourage fitness programs at all chapters and even among our volunteers will be 'getting in shape', so to speak, over the next months. Watch for more info.

Exercise can trim deep abdominal fat - Yahoo! News

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