Marcus Gho
Sig Ep’s incredible dedication to detail was exemplified by a replica of Han Solo frozen in carbonite. To create the effect, the brothers coated senior mechanical engineering major Derrick Steigerwalt in plaster gauze and made a mold of his face. “When we pulled the mask off he was in a lot of pain,” said Rusnock. “He lost 12–13 eyelashes. His eyes were all caked over; he couldn’t see.”It reminds me of a phrase from another well-known sci-fi franchise: "resistance if futile. You will be assimilated". More on the booth competition here.
It all came together when Brier, Rusnock, and Kish stood on stage in the Main Tent on Saturday afternoon and accepted their first-place trophy for fraternity booth. “You don’t even know how many all-nighters went into this,” said Rusnock during tear-down on Sunday.
Sig Ep did not fare so well in other events, though.
The Tartan Online : Fully operational. Gotta hate when the wheels fall off.