Wednesday, June 14, 2006

LA Alpha Helps Clean and Restore Neighborhoods

The Louisiana Alpha Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon has recently adopted a new community service project: The Sig Ep Neutral Ground Restoration Project. The project aims to repair and refurbish a number of forgotten “neutral ground” areas in Uptown New Orleans. Following Hurricane Katrina, the City of New Orleans was forced to cut the jobs of the majority of its public grounds keepers and maintenance staff. Sig Ep decided to take action and adopt a few of these areas. Last weekend, 20 brothers tackled the first area, located at the intersection of State Street and Willow Streets, and plan on making return trips until the area has returned to its previous state. The fraternity plans on adopting a number of areas and making monthly trips to ensure that each place remains in good shape. Next month they plan on focusing on areas of Broadway and other areas of Uptown. The program is part of a public service commitment that the chapter has made this semester. The commitment included multiple paint rallies at O. Perry Walker High School, Habitat for Humanity, work with ACORN, and the Neutral Ground Restoration Project.

LA Alpha Neutral Ground Restoration Project
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