Monday, August 07, 2006

Building an Effective Recruitment Strategy

Recruitment is everone's job, right? And ideas are where you find them. Here is something I noticed in my web wanderings.

An ATΩ member who is a recruitment chair discusses how he came to use Facebook as a recruitment tool.
Over the past year, I have employed Facebook for many things, including promoting parties and events. Why not employ Facebook to meet some of the campaign goals? With this in mind, I set out to devise a way to begin creating excitement amongst the brothers and our supportive friends. While common Facebook publicity takes the form of paid advertising or the creation of parties and groups, these tools are commonplace. I wanted something new and creative.
Using a simple graphic, I tagged every brother and many of the women and alumni who support our chapter. People received their emails, logged into their accounts, and went to find the new “picture” of them – simply to be reminded that recruitment is just around the corner. Simple, effective, and to the point – exactly what advertising was intended to be.

As recruitment gets closer, I will be employing more ideas of this nature. While this is effective, one must be sure not to over-use on(sic) method, especially if it is a non-traditional application of existing tools.
Remember, only steal the best ideas. Don't waste your time with dreck.

Building an Effective Recruitment Strategy at - where thoughts roam free
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