Sunday, August 06, 2006

I Remember Homecoming

The University of Tennessee "Torchbearer" alumni magazine has a special section this issue called "memories of Homecoming." The pictures and one of the articles are all about Sig Ep (TN Alpha). That is appropriate since the Sig Eps have owned the Homecoming honors for the last 10 years.
The Sig Ep - ADPi 2004 Homecoming Float

Here is how Sgt. Robert Adams (’02) - Assistant Editor, Desert Voice, U.S. Army, Kuwait - Remembers it
To truly know what UT Homecoming is about, go to the Sigma Phi Epsilon house during the week before game day. You will see UT pride, teamwork, and tradition at its finest as “Sig Eps” work hard day and night constructing a large float and lawn display covered with millions of colored tissues hand-rolled by an army of fraternity brothers and sorority helpers. You will also see the fraternity’s artists painting the Homecoming banner, mechanics fine-tuning the derby car, and Sig Ep and sorority cheerleaders working on the Smokey’s Howl routine.
As a Sig Ep from 1998 to 2002, I experienced three first-place victories, and I’m proud to see the tradition continue today as a UT and Sig Ep alumnus serving as a journalist in the U.S. Army. I missed my first UT football season last fall because of a year-long deployment overseas.

I Remember Homecoming :: Torchbearer

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