Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Alumni Networking Reception - DC area

Update: Steve now tells us (in a comment) this event has been canceled. Maybe they will get the "First Annual" event next year.

Steve Sauer, PA Tau (West Chester University) 2002, sends this invitation to those in the Washington DC area.

You are cordially invited to attend
The First Annual
ΣΦΕ Alumni
Networking Reception

Hosted by the Brothers of the
American University Sigma Epsilon Chapter
of Sigma Phi Epsilon

Thursday, January 18, 2007
6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

School of International Service Lounge
American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW

Light refreshments will be served

Please RSVP by January 12, 2007

Questions or Directions please call JD at 860-212-2023 or Jeff at 484-459-8165

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