Sunday, April 13, 2008

Breaking News - NBD Resignation

We have received word that a member of the SigEp National Board of Directors has resigned.

Brent Bentrim sent his resignation in an email to the board members last Thursday in which he cited his differences with certain policies. The strongly worded email, called "the Buzzard letter" because of certain references, ended with his statement of resignation from the Board. A source who requested to remain anonymous but is acquainted with the facts has confirmed that the board is in the process of accepting the resignation.

Bentrim (College of Charleston '94), was elected to the Board just last year at the Atlanta Conclave.

Our source also confirmed that the process of replacing Bentrim will take place "by the letter" as provided for in the bylaws. Details of the process of acceptance and replacement were not provided because of "possible legal action."

Additional questions about the termination of a key HQ staffer were answered with a comment that the contract runs until later this year and the executive council will make a recommendation to the full board regarding its renewal.

Bentrim's information has already been removed from the fraternity website.

Editor's Comment: Because of the sensitive nature of the comments in "the Buzzard letter" we have made a decision not to publish it. In our opinion to do so would not be in the best interests of the Fraternity.
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