Thursday, April 03, 2008

Pittsburgh State Sig Eps in Philanthropy Race

Big-hearted Greeks
Sororities, fraternities plan philanthropy events
Matthew Knoche

It's spring, and Pitt State's Greek community is out in full force raising money for various causes.

With events like Special Olympics Spring games, the Big Event, and Up Till Dawn, fraternities and sororities have many opportunities to get involved.

Some houses adopt one big project a semester or year, and others choose many smaller projects to take on.

Last semester, the women of Alpha Gamma Delta held a golf tournament to raise money for research and awareness of diabetes. They asked local businesses to sponsor the event, raising $2,000.

"The best part of doing these kind of events is knowing that we're doing it for a good cause and that someone is going to benefit from it," said Katie Allen, Alpha Gamma Delta community service chair.

The Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity sponsors a range of events, from a concert for Youth Aids in the fall to working with the Ali Kemp Educational foundation (T.A.K.E.)."The Ali Kemp Educational foundation is a new philanthropy for us, and we plan on teaching a women's kickboxing class for T.A.K.E," said Andy Nail, a fraternity member.

Another fraternity, Lambda Chi Alpha, has teamed up with the Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority in the Rocking for Robbie drive. They kicked off the drive on Tuesday, April 1, with a live band and a barbecue.Each year the Tri Sigs change the fraternity they participate with but donate to the same cause. The money they raise goes to the Robbie Page memorial, which funds child play therapy rooms for kids with special needs.

"Doing these kind of events shows that college kids just aren't here to party," said Cassie Shaw, Sigma community service chair.The Lambda Chi's also are involved with Bowl for Kids' Sake in the spring, and Toys for Tots and a canned-food drive in the fall.

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