Monday, May 19, 2008

From across the pond...We ain't no yobs

In the UK they don't exactly know what fraternities are good for. And they seem to be missing a bit in translation - as Churchill said: "The USA and the UK are two countries separated by a common language."
The ability of young Americans to drink alcohol in a social setting and remain civilised is usually regarded as one of the advantages they have over their British peers.

But, in recent weeks, the fraternity societies of American universities have been working flat out to even things out, their "hazings" - initiation rites - notching up more police call-outs than a Saturday night in Detroit.

First off the blocks was the Alpha Tau Omega frat house at the University of Nevada, suspended after aspiring recruits, known as "pledges", had their buttocks branded with dry ice and were made to eat raw chicken.

Hot on its heels came a hazing "hell night" chez Pi Kappa Alpha at Tulane University, New Orleans, that left two students with severe burns after they were scalded with boiling water mixed with cayenne pepper and vinegar.

Within days, members of Sigma Phi Epsilon at the University of Wisconsin-Madison had grabbed the relay baton by dumping buckets of human excrement and vomit over each other.

The following week, they managed to burn down their frat house. A spokesman for Sigma was at pains to point out that the bucket drop wasn't technically a hazing but happened during the "any other business" section of their meeting.
But, wtf is a "yob"?
US frat hazings that surpass yob excesses - Telegraph
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