Monday, February 22, 2010

TCU Kappa Sig Branded with DDD Symbols

University student has his buttocks branded

By Cynthia Trowbridge

Amon Carter IV, a sophomore at Texas Christian University, agreed to have his buttocks branded with his fraternity Kappa Sigma symbols. But he ended up with more than just their symbols.

Breckenridge, United States - On spring break more than a year ago Amon "Chance" Carter IV had consented to have the symbols from his fraternity branded on his buttocks. The branding was not completed so while on a ski trip in January the 20-year-old while drunk agreed to have his fraternity brothers finish the job by using a hot coat hanger.

The students along with members of Tri Delta Sorority in Breckenridge, Colorado had rented a house for the trip. While Carter was passed out they continued to brand the other butt cheek with the large triangles of the Tri Delta Sorority.

Carter said it was a dumb, drunken decision.

Carter said it was taken too far but he takes full responsibility for his actions both the underage drinking and making the dumb decision.

Carter said, "I woke up the next morning and I was in a lot of pain. My whole other butt cheek was destroyed."

Carter is the great-grandson of Amon G. Carter Sr., a Fort Worth civic leader and founder of the Star-Telegram.

Carter said he doesn't remember anything about the second branding.

Amon Carter III hired attorney Kathryn Craven to investigate the incident. She found that it was likely one student was the main perpetrator but up to 18 people were present while the branding took place.

During the branding Carter incurred second- and third-degree burns on his buttocks which will need at least six plastic surgeries to repair the damage.

After an investigation by the Breckenridge Police Department they released this statement, “All the evidence suggests that Amon Carter IV was a willing participant and the branding was not part of any fraternity initiation, as he is already a full member." With that they concluded no crime had been committed.

Carter said, "People are saying, 'Chance needs to be held accountable. Like I haven’t been punished enough.

"This may be the hardest lesson I’ll ever learn in my life." (Note: link contains graphic video)

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