Thursday, April 01, 2010

Women's Leadership Needs Identified

New Study Identifies Leadership Development Needs of Women

INDIANAPOLIS¬¬-The Leadership Institute-Women with Purpose (LI) has conducted its second needs assessment to identify the leadership development interests of women. From this assessment, participants indicated maintaining work/life balance, bringing out the best in others, managing confrontation, and building confidence as some of their top leadership development needs. More than 2,000 women participated in the comprehensive study.

Since The Leadership Institute’s inception, the organization has worked to identify what women want and need in the area of leadership development. In 2006, The Leadership Institute conducted its first needs assessment of more than 700 women to determine what leadership competencies were most important to them. From this data, The Leadership Institute created its first programming for personal and professional leadership development.

“The Leadership Institute values data and learning,” said Erin Strine, Executive Director of The Leadership Institute-Women with Purpose. “Not only do we develop our programming based on research, but we test all curriculum with our target audiences before it is launched. By continually asking women what they need, we are able to offer and deliver the most relevant and useful programming for women.”

For the 2009-2010 needs assessment, The Leadership Institute worked with four prominent women’s fraternal organizations, conducting surveys and interviews with headquarters staff, advisors, and collegians. At the conclusion of the study, The Leadership Institute provided a free executive summary and consultation to the participating organizations.

Strine said, “We are very pleased with the results of the needs assessment, and we look forward to providing new instructor-led and online programming based on the needs identified.”

To learn more about The Leadership Institute’s curriculum library, click
here. For more information on how to participate in a needs assessment, click here to email the Executive Director.

About The Leadership Institute
The Leadership Institute - Women with Purpose Inc. was organized by the Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity and the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation as a 501 (c)(3) organization. The Leadership Institute-Women with Purpose helps women reach their potential by providing the tools to develop personal and professional leadership skills. The organization is committed to building a community of learners with whom to exchange ideas, experiences, and resources. For more information, please visit The Leadership Institute’s web site

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