Monday, September 20, 2010

Kappa Sig Shut Diown at Alabama

UA chapter of Kappa Sigma fraternity shut down

By Adam Jones

One of the oldest fraternities at the University of Alabama lost its charter after violating fraternity and UA conduct policies.

The fraternity, Kappa Sigma, appealed to its national organization, which withdrew the charter Sept. 8.

“It's very difficult to lose such an old chapter, but we know an appeal is processing and we'll see what happens,” said Mitchell Wilson, executive director of the of the national Kappa Sigma Fraternity.

Neither Wilson or UA officials would detail what led to the charter withdrawal, but Wilson said there was a violation of conduct rules over alcohol and social functions.

The chapter was on probation after a hazing incident a year ago. Generally, Kappa Sigma's board of directors take into account recent discipline when making decisions, Wilson said.

“That's not something that's positive for the chapter,” he said.

UA staff notified Kappa Sigma of the chapter's violation after an investigation, Wilson said.

“UA is taking appropriate action regarding the violations of the code of student conduct,” said Cathy Andreen, UA spokeswoman.

Known as the Beta chapter within the national organization, Kappa Sigma has had a charter at UA since 1899, Wilson said. The chapter was founded at the university in 1870, making it the fourth oldest fraternity at UA and one of seven started in the 19th century, according to UA records.

Kappa Sigma had 103 members in fall 2009, the most recent data available, making it larger than the average among the 29 fraternities on campus in 2009.

Students living in the house can continue to live there under the supervision of a university-employed house director throughout the appeal process, Andreen said.

If the withdrawal of the charter is upheld by the national board of directors, a chapter is typically banned for two years. After that, the national organization comes to a campus to form what is called a colony that begins to take on new members and gain good standing with the university. It's rare for members of the fraternity before the charter withdrawal to be allowed back in, Wilson said.

Students living in the house can continue to live there under the supervision of a university-employed house director throughout the appeal process, Andreen said.

If the withdrawal of the charter is upheld by the national board of directors, a chapter is typically banned for two years. After that, the national organization comes to a campus to form what is called a colony that begins to take on new members and gain good standing with the university. It's rare for members of the fraternity before the charter withdrawal to be allowed back in, Wilson said.

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