Thursday, October 21, 2010

Vote! Vote! Vote!

Here is a chance to help out a Sig Ep from San Diego. Read it and please take the time to vote!

Thank you so much for talking with me, I really appreciate it and got a lot of insight, thank you. If you could please send this pitch to your friends and family that would be much appreciated and would help a lot!

Please vote in the Classy Awards to help raise money for LHON research! Go to the link below and look for the Most Influential College Student/Organization in San Diego and vote for Jeremy Poincenot. Then look for the Most Successful Fundraiser by an Individual/Group and vote for the C.U.R.E. Ride for LHON Research. Each legal resident of the U.S. over 18 can vote one time by Oct 22. If Jeremy and C.U.R.E. win at the city level, we'll ask you to vote one more time at the national level. For each national win, $10,000
goes to LHON research. Please share this link with your friends and ask them to vote-since it's just one vote per person, we have a good chance of raising a lot of money!


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