1:30 - Officer Training. Almost all the guys from this morning came back for the after lunch session. I guess that means I didn't put them to sleep. Or else they are really desparate for information.
2:45 - Volunteer session: Getting the campus on your side. The really perky Greek advisor gave us some, you know, really neat, um, ways to help, you know, get the campus administration to, well, sorta, be kinda on your side? Or at least not hate you and everything? Sorority-speak aside, there were some helpful ideas exchanged. The volunteers had plenty of questions and shared experiences.
2:45 - Hot topics - The session on the Balanced Man Program was quickly changed to the Balanced Man Scholarship. Whew. I'm glad we dodged that bullet. Some topics are just too hot.
4:45 Chapter evaluations - So, now that you were up all night and run through programs all day like a rat in a maze, how is the chapter doing? This will count toward your final grade. Be honest and accurate.