The saying goes you sleep with your partner's past. For some Chico State students this means sleeping with a porn star.
A handful of male students who had sex for the "College Invasion 6" DVD were tested for HIV, gonorrhea and chlamydia prior to filming, said Nicole Henderson, spokeswoman for Shane Enterprises, the company that produced the DVD. The actors and actresses featured in the film are tested every 30 days.
But Chico State women who participated weren't tested.
Untested men weren't allowed to have oral sex, but several untested women are shown receiving oral sex, Henderson said.
"The girls got involved spur-of-the-moment," she said.
Even though the male students, actors and actresses were tested, HIV tests aren't foolproof, said Leslie Mackowaik, a nurse at the Student Health Center.
A person can have HIV for up to six months without testing positive, Mackowaik said. This error is called a false negative.
"The test is only accurate if you had a test six months ago," Mackowaik said.
False negatives aren't the only concern for students, said Pedro Douglas, director of student health service.
"First of all you're just getting tested for HIV. There are a whole host of other STDs you could have," Douglas said.
In "College Invasion 6," none of the men used condoms while having sex.
Douglas said it's disappointing because interns at the health center work hard to educate students abut safer sex.
"Everything we do focuses on safer sex," Douglas said.
Greek adviser Connie Huyck said having sex without a condom is dangerous.
She asked, "Are they going to use a condom with their next partner?"
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