The first team to make it back to the finish line after creating a human pyramid and holding the position for five seconds won the pyramids contest and five points toward their overall score for Greek Week.
(Insert your own "Abu Ghriab" joke here.)
Creating a human pyramid without falling proved a hard task to accomplish, but the fraternities and sororities stuck it out, and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and Alpha Phi sorority came out on top.
"The reason the canoe race is my favorite event is because you never know what is going to happen," said Mia Donini, a junior family and consumer sciences major and member of Delta Zeta sorority. "It's funny because you actually never know who is going to fall in!"
Several racers did fall into the chilly waters of the pond while onlookers laughed and cheered.
(hypothermia. Always a laff riot.)
In the fraternity division, Sigma Chi came in first place with Sigma Phi Epsilon in close second and Sigma Pi in third place. For the sororities, Sigma Sigma Sigma took first place, Delta Zeta took second and Alpha Sigma Tau took third.
Competing for points in Pyramids, Canoe Races - The Daily Eastern News - News