This article from a Palm Beach TV station highights issues at Univ. of Florida, but also recaps some of the incidents we have seen in the last few years.
Henry Wechsler, director of College Alcohol Studies at the Harvard School of Public Health, said a survey of 747 colleges and universities shows schools have taken different approaches to try to solve the problem. Thirty-four percent have banned alcohol on campus; 43 percent have banned alcohol in residence halls; 44 percent have restricted alcohol at campus social events; 84 percent provide alcohol education; and 90 percent offer some form of campus counseling or treatment programs.
...the best quote in the article came from a student interview:
"We binge drink but we don't do anything stupid"
Extra Credit - Same article base. Different outlet Different editing. Compare and contrast which one seems to be downplaying or exaggerating the issue.
UF President Targets Drinking Problems |