Tuesday, July 05, 2005

UC Berkeley fraternity involved in pellet gun hazing forced to close one year, seek new members

Hazing at Berkeley. Actions and consequences

The sanctions taken against Pi Kappa Phi fraternity were reached as part of a settlement agreement between the campus and the fraternity and represent the most severe and comprehensive disciplinary action that UC Berkeley has taken against a fraternity in several years, said Karen Kenney, the campus's dean of students.

The settlement agreement addresses an April 8 hazing activity in which a prospective member, or pledge, was shot at least 30 times with an air pellet gun. The pledge was treated at a local hospital for welts and bruises and released. The agreement announced today also addresses a March 4 incident in which the chapter held an unauthorized party involving various alcohol use violations, including the serving of alcohol to minors.

Full story here: 07.05.2005 - UC Berkeley fraternity involved in pellet gun hazing forced to close one year, seek new members

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