Friday, October 07, 2005

Greek Myths that are appropriate to Sig Ep volunteers

Tantalus - Who was forced to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches. Whenever he reached for the fruit, the branches raised his intended meal from his grasp. Whenever he bent down to get a drink, the water receded before he could get any.

Sisyphus - In the underworld Sisyphus was compelled to roll a big stone up a steep hill; but before it reached the top of the hill the stone always rolled down, and Sisyphus had to begin all over again.

Many of you who are nearly-or-newly alumni may have thought you would like to stay involved as a volunteer. Read this first, it may save you some disappointment.

One of my partners in crime sent me an e-mail thread that detailed his efforts to join one of the Fraternity committees. You know about committees, don't you? They are the groups of so-called 'experts' in various fields who volunteer to lend their expertise to help the fraternity. The committees convene more or less regularly to discuss their area of focus and make strategic recommendations to the board and HQ staff. To quote the HQ web site:

Sigma Phi Epsilon maintains several national volunteer committees to guide fraternity initiatives and support a variety of efforts. Selected by the National Board of Directors with guidance from the Headquarters Staff, committee members each serve six year terms.

Well that's the theory, anyway. In practice it seems that some of the committees have become little fiefdoms with little turnover and less impact. The only recommendations coming from them seem oddly to be aligned with whatever 'solution' is provided by the companies who employ those members. Somehow they all seem to be marketing types. Isn't that interesting?

So anyway, my unnamed compatriot, who has zero marketing experience but an entire career in the "focus area" along with a track record of volunteering for Sig Ep, asked to be considered for a spot on one of the committees. Sadly, he does not belong to the high-dollar "Bored of Governors" nor is he blessed with the title of "Freeark" so he knew going in it was a long shot. He was determined to follow through on the course, though, if only to see how high the walls are.

After 4 months of unreturned e-mails, vague assurances, and the marketing newspeak where 'thanks for your interest' really means 'buzz off, loser', he finally got a specific reply.

Thanks for your interest -- I've been working through the Committee alignments the past few days and your e-mail was most timely.

As part of our renewed focus, I've been asked to not increase the size of the Committee for the next period. As a result, I will be replacing only the student undergraduate member for this next term.

I have informed (insert Richmond gnome name here} of your interest and he will be in contact should additional volunteer opportunities arise.

Thanks for your commitment to SigEp.

Why am I not surprised at the dismissive tone? So the "renewed focus" on volunteers we heard so much about at Conclave really means fewer opportunities for most but continued sinecure for the usual suspects.

An e-mail sent out by Chris Minnis a few days ago to NBD, DGs, and Committees claimed 4.42 volunteers per chapter. I wonder if he actually believes that. How may struggling chapters are there with more like the ".42" part of that number? How many eager young - and not so young - alumni have given up trying to volunteer because of attitudes like the one expressed in that "thank you, now go away" e-mail? I really hope someone is paying attention. We may be on the verge of a meltdown.

Hey Archie - survey this!

From an undisclosed location - I am Diogenes and I approved this message.

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