Saturday, February 04, 2006

On the Side - Volunteers

Grand Pooh-bah Yeatts made a stirring committment in his acceptance speech. He was going to finally give volunteers the attention they deserve. He said it better, but that was the gist. Since then there has been little or nothing done about it, Or so it seemed.

We were speaking tonight with a member of the newly formed Volunteer Committee. He told us they formed as a standing committee in October. As a standing commttee they can have a continuing - and hopfully consistant - role in finding, training, and using volunteers. They met for the first time in January, and a report/proposal is due to the BOD in May.

Lets hope that this effort lasts for longer than the tenure of the current Grand Prez. If the next President has other priorities we need to still have a focus on this important issue. It won't happen if the committee is allowed to languish.

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