Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Dry Keeps the Cops Away

Dry-house policy keeps Greeks police-free
By: Nick Coltrain

After years of citations and arrests, a stronger anti-alcohol policy helped to quiet the first weekend of rush.

The only time University of Nevada, Reno police responded to a Greek residence was when some sorority recruits were pelted with water balloons on Friday and Saturday nights.

At the end of last year the Interfraternity Council agreed on a dry rush. While that had been the policy in the past, Greek leadership worked harder this year to enforce it.

As part of their national charter agreements, all sororities must be dry year-round. Cairn Lindloff, the Greek advisor, said a dry rush should eliminate alcohol problems that plagued past recruitments.

Last year, Sally Morgan, the director of student judicial services, cited Alpha Tau Omega and Lambda Chi Delta for university alcohol violations. Police were called to the Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Sigma Nu houses for noise complaints. At Sig Ep, police cited two minors for possession/consumption of alcohol.

If any fraternities violate the dry rush policy this year, their peers at the Greek review board will judge them, Lindloff said.

Todd Renwick, UNRPD assistant chief, said police had worked with the Greeks in preparation for Rush Week. A police officer talked to the fraternities about alcohol awareness, he said. He hoped that the talk, in conjunction with an alcohol-free Rush Week, would quiet things down."There is no need for us to be giving any extra attention to the Greeks," Renwick said.
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